UCSD Health

Hillcrest Extension in the  Rehabilitation Services 

Consultant through Rady

January 2021 - June 2021


Developed a Dynamic Financial and Volume Forecasting Model

Patient Primary Market Analysis 

Identified Unmet Clinical Demand

Interim Solutions and Risk Analysis

Who is UCSD Health?

UCSD Rehabilitation Services approached Rady to evaluate Hillcrest’s future demand/potential for rehabilitative services from medical specialty services, space, and resource perspectives.
UCSD needs clarity on regional demand, the competitive landscape, the payor mix, and the profitability/need by service line to effectively plan the expansion of rehab services in the Hillcrest area. The ready team was then tasked to develop a dynamic model that identifies the optimal mix of services and space to move into and grow in the UCSD Hillcrest Hospital expansion.

Developed a Dynamic Financial and Volume Forecasting Model

Interim and Long Term P&L

Documented P&L Assumptions

Growth Projections and FTE's Needed by Specialty

Year-over-Year Growth Projections

Space Projections

Equipment Estimation


UCSD Hillcrest Rehab Long Term P&L

Primary Market Research

Defined the potential patient population.

Segmented by geo locations

Identified current patient age distribution and projected population change

Benchmarked the Hillcrest payer mix against the CA numbers

UCSD Hillcrest Rehab-Primary Market Patients

Identified Unmet Clinical Demand

Identified specialties needed basing on the communities profile

Built into the dynamic model, the estimated population growth

Conducted competitive research to identify community gaps in care

UCSD Hillcrest Rehab Community Needs

Interim Solutions and Risk Analysis

Estimated Interim Staffing and Space Needs  

Conducted Internal Risk Analysis and Dynamic Model's Limitations

Evaluated External Risks and COVID-19 Influences


UCSD Hillcrest Rehab Interim Staffing and Space Needs
Best Presentation First Place UCSD Rady Hillcrest

First Place - Best Presentation

Rewarded to teams with outstanding communication skills, creativity, and the ability to captivate the audience, they truly stood out. The teams' presentation left a lasting impression on the panelists, showcasing the depth of knowledge and professionalism they had acquired during their MBA journey.